To Embrace a Swamp Creature, formerly How To

It's a game you own, but not as you know it!
Ok so the big thing here is this game was formerly known as How to Embrace a Swamp Creature and has been slightly renamed as To Embrace a Swamp Creature.
I've done a small print run of the game to take to Dragonmeet (on the 2nd December at West London Novotel Hammersmith) and that involved having to revise some of the layout. This was mainly addressing small changes (the margins on the initial version were the wrong size, adding an "About the Author" and "More from Rat Wave Game House" section to make sure the page number was divisible by 4) though some very minor text changes occurred (mainly fixing typing mistakes and correcting names since changed on credits but some rephrasing to fit to layout occurred, probably not noticeable) and because this changed size of stuff in some cases I added some new art from Thomas Novosel's Patreon.
I usually wouldn't have even done a DevLog to address this (it's very much just tweaks and corrections, the layout style is the same unlike the revised versions of Plural Witchcraft Highland Rampage and Follow Me in the Night) however on a whim I ended up changing the games name.
On a whim makes it sound ill-considered but I do think it's the right call. I noticed that if people aren't familiar with the song by the Mountain Goats the "How to" phrasing puts them in the mind of a more overtly comedic game; rather than the bitter, slice-of-life mood the game actuall has. I figure the slight change better emphasised the game and seemed a good move to make before trying to sell a bunch of it at the convention.
So I also redid the cover to fit that. Like I said, same game, redownload if you feel like it, if you're coming to Dragonmeet feel free to head over to stall 16 (12 Pins Press) on the Upper Trade Floor to say hi and buy a swanky new copy.
Get To Embrace a Swamp Creature
To Embrace a Swamp Creature
A Belonging outside Belonging ttrpg starring mentally ill swamp things in a deprived commuter town.
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